Environmental Sustainability
Greatest Environmental Concerns Around Town
Commissioner Richardson's Efforts
Environmental Justice Agreement & SEAP
We live in a world where we are starting to feel the impacts of environmentally-unfriendly efforts. These decisions are currently impacting our drinking water and air quality. The goal of this agreements is to ensure that residents can depend on receiving accurate information about their environment to make decisions for their family. The goal is to also find ways to remediate identified issues in a collective and community-oriented manner.
A list of policies, procedures, and investments that the County can make to empower residents with information about their water, soil, and air. It also includes improving aspects of emergency response where possible.
Register for EJA Workshop: Coming Soon
Sustainability Awards
An awards show highlighting organizations, companies, and agencies from around the metro area that have made strides in Sustainability with an outreach and education fair
Attend the Environmental Justice Workshop
Coming Soon!