Economic Development & ARPA
A community feeds off of its economic growth. It has been debated that if a community is not growing, it is slowly dying. Robust economic activity can shield a community from a recession and improve recovery times for a disaster or an emergency event. Also, to maintain the county's economies of scale to preserve areas, there must exist a dependable source of growth. Many of these initiatives center in specific areas around the county, but generally speaking, economic activity is vital to provide opportunities and quality of life to all communities.
What are Jerica's Economic Development Opportunities?
Stronger Partnerships
Strong partnerships produce strong economies. Commissioner Richardson seeks to:
Enhance partnership with SelectCobb and the Chamber of Commerce
Coordinate with Employment nonprofits to produce multi-faceted programs: CobbWorkSource, Women in Technology, TechBridge, YearUp, etc.
Re-commit to investing in NonProfits through grants to reduce operational burdens on County services.
Sustainable ARPA Programs
Earlier last year, the Federal Government signed the American Rescue Plan Act which distributed $147M dollars directly to the Cobb County Board of Commissioners. In an effort to be proactive, Commissioner Richardson conducted a series of surveys asking members of the community what they would like to see. The question is: "How do we invest ARPA dollars in a way that is economically sustainable and effective?" As a result, Commissioner Richardson has offered suggested programs in the presentation to the left that could help meet the systemic needs of the community. You can learn more about the County ARPA funds here:
Dobbins Strong
A series of initiatives that strengthen the relationship between Dobbins Air Force Base and the County. The goal is to ensure the base's role in the community for years to come as the call to protect this Nation are greater and changing. We want to stay lockstep with these endeavors and continue to be strategically positioned to play that role.
Financial Literacy
A community is as strong is its ability to support its local economy. The goal of the financial literacy initiative is to achieve improved statistics in historically impoverished area across age demographics. The intent is to bring a Junior Achievement Discovery Center to the County in conjunction with the Cobb County School Board and Marietta City Schools.
Arts Alliance (Arts Triangle)
The ARTS Triangle is an initiative meant to create a supportive structure for the arts communities in the County in order to broaden their reach and improve related economic activity. It was originally deemed the "triangle" as it represents connectivity amongst Marietta, Smyrna, and the Cumberland CID.
Expanded Industry
E-Sports is a growing industry in search of an American home. We have a growing economy that supports young learners in this industry, and thus the goal is to identify ways to encourage the growth of this industry through facilities, and corporate presence.
We are seeking to support an enhanced Sustainability Awards that would be connected to the Global community in order to establish Cobb County as a Global thought leader in the realm of Sustainability.
Green Tech is the new frontier in terms of jobs and R&D which can both support and clean up our industrial corridors while still maintaining the industrial zones.
Re-commitment to the Hotel/Motel Tax for the Authority in order to increase our competitiveness for conferences and commerce.
Library Revitalization Effort
This initiative includes a re-commitment to libraries by recognizing and enhancing their roles as economic development centers. This includes:
Stronger public-private partnerships
Unique and community-reflective learning opportunities
Incorporation of entrepreneurial resources and collaborative spaces
Accommodations and programming targeting unique issues in respective communities.
Federal and state partnerships with economic development and entrepreneurial programs